How To Use

The Surface Skimmer™ was invented to save your time and physical energy. The overall effect of using a surface skimmer is that you can get your swimming pool surface cleaner in a relatively short period of time.
  1. It requires two people to drag the Surface Skimmer™ across the surface of the water. It is very efficient in removing debris from the surface. The debris can be removed from the water by the surface skimmer and removed to a suitable area or the Surface Skimmer can be guided past the front of the swimming pool skimmer (where water from the swimming pool is drawn through a filter basket and then a filter).
  1. To skim closer to one side of the pool or the other, one person simply advances slightly ahead of the person on the opposite side of the swimming pool.
  1. When you are finished using the Surface Skimmer™, rinse it off with the garden hose, let it dry, roll it up and put it away for the next use.
  1. A recommendation of the Lifesaving Society (LIVE-SAVING) is to always swim with a partner. From a safety perspective around your swimming pool, the Surface Skimmer encourages the partnering system because you need two people to use it.

This device is more efficient and will clean your swimming pool surface in less time than what a hand skimmer can do. An 18 x 36 foot swimming pool can take up to 45 to 55 minutes to properly skim the surface with a hand skimmer. You can use a Surface Skimmer to save you approximately 30 to 35 minutes of the cleaning time? That’s right! Depending on the amount of debris that accumulates on the pool surface, the Surface Skimmer will do just that. It efficiently and effectively helps you clean the surface of your swimming pool in less time and allows you to take back your leisure time. What value would you place on having a device that can help this way?

This is a new device is more efficient and effectively cleans a backyard swimming pool in much less time than a hand skimmer can do. If an 18 x 36 foot swimming pool takes around 40 to 45 minutes or more to properly skim the surface with a hand skimmer, would you use a device that can save you approximately 30 to 35 minutes of cleaning time? The Surface Skimmer does just that. It efficiently and effectively helps you clean the surface of your swimming pool in less time and allows you to take back your leisure time. What value would you place on having a device that can help this way? $95? The device is simple and easy to use, easy to clean and easy to store. The use of it may vary from one swimming pool to another depending on water jets, access to all of the sides of the pool and other local influences of the pool.

Surface Skimmers